Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sedona Arizona - A beautiful backyard!

We ventured out today to Sedona, AZ which is about 50 miles south of Flagstaff but a world away.  Today was our traveling friend,  Donna's birthday and we treated her to our traditional birthday breakfast.  We drove into Flagstaff and had a wonderful breakfast at the Railroad Cafe; definitely will go back there again before we leave this area.  After breakfast we decided to drive down to Sedona, not knowing what to expect.  The drive down was just outstanding as we drove first through the pine forest and than into the canyons.  When we arrived in Sedona we could not believe the mountains that surround the town. Here our some pictures of the area around Sedona!

The hills behind the ice cream shop!

Overlooking Sedona from the south

Hills just northwest of Sedona

View from the overlook just south of Sedona

Frank Loyd Wright's Church of the Cross

Cathedral Mountain south of town

Always time for shopping or is it always time for sightseeing but shopping is a necessity!

What a great day, walking thru Sedona!  The girls loved the quaint shops and bought a few Christmas gifts for the family while George was in 7th heaven taking in the mountain scenery.  Sedona is unique because whenever you come out of any shop you are greeted with spectacular views of the surrounding mountains.  George is not a shopper so he took about 60 pictures and most of them were from out in front of various stores in town.  We drove south of town to the Church of the Cross and was amazed how it was embedded into the rock yet stood out as a beacon. 

We continue to be amazed at the sights and scenery in northern Arizona.  Tomorrow will hopefully be a day of rest but if the past is any indication of future, we will be on the road exploring the backyards of this beautiful country side.  There is talk among the four of us that we may have to spend another couple of days here, it sure would not make us mad!

 To our friends, Tom and Maryann Graue, we are glad you are back in the USA.  We read your blog and know that your Canadian adventure will provide you with a lifetime of memories.  To George and Sue Summerfield, your blog on the sailing adventure to the Canadian Gulf islands was amazing. You both have a wonderful story telling ability that let us, the reader, go along with you on your adventures.  We are jealous, in a good way!  We will continue to tag along with you through your blog entries.

As always we hope this post finds you happy, healthy and enjoying life to the fullest.   We hope our friends and family continue to follow our adventures as we travel the backyards of America.  For our part we will continue to post a few of the pictures we take and add a little commentary of our travels (it also appears that George has added his own little soapbox commentaries but we will try to curb and control that aspect of his entries).  Until the next time, enjoy life and stay healthy!

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