Monday, August 15, 2011

Pat's pictures of our journey back to Colorado!!

We knew our time in Northern Arizona had to end and drive back to Colorado for the doctor's visits.  We thought the beauty of Northern Arizona and Southern Utah would be in our rear view mirrors but the drive back proved us wrong.  We would like to share a few pitures Pat took from our motor home as George drove down the road.  Here are some of the over 100 pictures we kept (out of about two hundred she actually shot) on our two day drive back to Denver.  We drove through Monument Valley, Moab and the Green River valley in Utah, and turned east on I-70 along the Colorado River and over Vail and Eisnehower passes in Colorado on our way back to Denver.  Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed the view out of our windshield.

America's Backyards are really Beautiful --- Nuff said!!

Pat  did a pretty good job considering we did not stop for her to take any of these pictures.  George laughed out loud so many times as we drove down the road.  Wish we had a picture of her hanging out of the windows of the motor home, first one the driver's side and then on the passenger side--- that picture would be a keeper! 

Hope you are enjoying life and are happy, healthy and enjoying your backyards.  We will keep you posted on George's Pet scan results next week.

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