Friday, August 5, 2011

Chapel of the Holy Dove

Breakfast cooked over the open fire has never been better.  George got up this morning made a fire in our fire pit and cooked bacon over the open fire.   He also cut up a cantaloupe.  Pat scrambled the eggs, Donna cooked the potatoes, peppers, and onions (Bob will do French Toast tomorrow morning).  With the sun shinning and the bluest sky in Arizona the day started perfectly.  When breakfast was over we decided to take a chairlift up to the highest mountain in Arizona.  

Frying the bacon  over the fire pit.  Watch out for the grease splatter George!

On the way to the mountain, we stopped at the Chapel of the Holy Dove, which we discovered on the way back from the Grand Canyon the other day.  The Chapel of the Holy Dove sits on a parcel of land between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon.  It was built by Dr. Watson Lacy, a doctor at the Grand Canyon, in 1962.  Although destroyed by fire in 1999, the chapel was rebuilt by a Northern Arizona University student with the help of townspeople and merchants from Flagstaff.  It was named the Chapel of the Holy Dove to acknowledge the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, described in Mathew 3:16 as descending "like a dove" above Jesus in commissioning His earthly ministry as God, Incarnate.  The chapel is open to all, never locked, all the material inside are free and numerous weddings are held in the chapel.

Bob and Donna entering the Chapel of the Holy Dove 

Pat just inside the door of the Chapel

The back of the Chapel

We made it to top of the mountain and to the highest toilet in Arizona.  the views were spectacular.  We saw as far as the Grand Canyon to the north and 100 miles in every direction.

Had to take this picture -- any questions?

That is a fire about 40 miles away.  It grew to about twice its size while we watched.

This must be a record... three posts in three days!  We are really enjoying our time in northern Arizona.  There is so much to see so we decided to stay until next Friday morning.  We still need to drive up to Lake Powell, see the slotted canyons, enjoy cooking over the open fires and of course sip a few beers as we watch the sunset over the horizon.  Don't know if we will post every day but as long as we have a few pictures to share with you and find new and interesting places  to visit...we may post to our blog...hope you enjoy!

  Take extra good care of yourselves.  In life we have noted ...There are people who will disappoint you, try to burden you with their attitude or problems but please remember that you are the master of your own destiny.  We hope you follow your dreams and are not deterred by anyone...remember it is your life and you are responsible to enjoy it to the fullest! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pat, I happened to stumble onto your blog while looking up information on the Chapel of the Holy Dove. Interesting how God leads to what you "need" in the most interesting ways if you just pay attention. Your last paragraph in this post about Northern Arizona really hit home. I plan to print it and keep it in my wallet to remind me every so often. My job as a social worker brings me an incredible struggle to stay positive and hold onto my dreams. Solving other people's problems can be a heavy burden. Thank you for "sending" this important message to me.
