Sunday, March 18, 2012

We are back in Colorado!

We made it back to Colorado!  The first order of business was to see David, Kris and Amy!  Mission accomplished.  The next order of business was to see the Super K's!!!  We missed out on Kris' birthday and missed seeing and talking to David but the two little guys with their quirks and laughter was nearly too much for us!  We wondered... How much have they grown?  What have they learned while we were in Florida?  Would they remember us?  These questions and more went through our minds as we drove up to Denver to see the family.  It has been over two and half months and we were coming back to get our hugs and kisses.  We were going to take the family out for the birthday celebration we missed while we were gone and we were going to play with our grand boys....again! 

As we drove up the road to Kris and Amy's house there were two little guys on the porch...waiting for Grandma and Grandpa!  Yea!!!  Hugs and Kisses wiped away any thoughts that these two guys might not remember.  Oh my gosh how they had grown!  Kasey talks in complete sentences, Karsten now talks, both boys still mimic each other and both of them makes us laugh with their antics.  They both have so much energy and want to do everything with Grandma and Grandpa!  Yes, they still wear us out, but OMG it is such a great way to get tired.

They are so special, as any grandparent will tell you --- grand kids are the best!!!  We get to love them and they can do no wrong.  Unlike our own boys, we do not have any real responsibility except to have fun and watch the miracle of love. When we raised our boys, we were so busy making a living and trying to do the best job of raising them to be the best they could be, we overlooked having just taking time to have fun with the boys!  Oh how we wish we would have listened closer to our parents when they said, "God don't make no Junk"!  "Those boys will grow up in spite of you"!  "You need to relax, those boys will only be young once"! and many many more times they tried to tell us to enjoy them while they were young and let them enjoy the carefree days of being young.  Sorry Kris and David - we did our best and OBTW we think you turned out pretty good.

Karsten is upside down with Grandpa!

Grandpa and Kasey sharing a straw at the restaurant!

We are so fortunate to travel the backyards of America.  Exploring our country, discovering new backyards, enjoying and renewing friendships are some of wonderful times we have had as we travelled this country.  But since we started this magnificent journey almost four years ago,  it is our own backyard and our family that we enjoy the most and with whom we have the best of times.  We are only able to keep on the road because of  SKYPE and the willingness of our wonderful kids to keep us up to date with their lives and the lives of Kasey and Karsten.  We are proud to say that not a day goes by that we don't receive a  phone call from David, Kris, Amy, and the Super Ks.  These calls are the highlight of every day we spend on the road.  We are so lucky to have friends and family throughout the country to share experiences with but again there is nothing that compares to "our family".  It goes to prove the old adage that you don't have to travel to enjoy the backyards of America - the backyard we all call home will always be "home sweet home".

We will be staying here until the end of April for George's treatments and plan on enjoying this backyard as much as any "down the road".  We hope you too are enjoying your family and extended family -  they are the real joys of life!

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