Sunday, March 25, 2012

Enjoying Colorado!

We are getting settled in our new backyard and home for the next month and half while George does his chemo maintenance.  As you may know he will have a chemo treatment once a week for four weeks so we get to see our family and enjoy Colorado until the end of April, and/or until our next adventure.  We arrived at the Air Force Academy last week and have been whittling down Pat's "to do" list that comes with everyday living.  Yes, we also have things to do and it is not all about having a great time roaming around the country, visiting the beautiful backyards of America.  George has been busy tracing down a problem with the Jeep, it seems the cruise control went out when we unhooked the car after our trip south and as we drove up to the Denver metro area to see the family.  He has taken at least a week checking things out like the vacuum lines for leaks, electrical lines for breaks, replacing a servo (whatever that is)  until he followed Pat's advice and solved the problem which was the brake light switch (replacing it took all of 2 minutes).  He is trying to do motor home and car maintenance now but he is such an amateur it takes awhile for him to fix things.  Pat is busy sprucing up our outside director chairs, getting the motor home sit up for an extended stay, getting a tan while George "works" on repairing things that should have been taken care of in Florida (he is such a procrastinator). 

We were fortunate to get back in time for St. Patty's day and spent the day with the Super K's while their parents celebrated with their friends downtown.  It was such a pleasure spending the entire day with Kasey and Karsten after such a long time away.  Of course we, like most of the USA, are enjoying the beautiful Spring weather and got the grand boys outside for a couple hours.  Someone on Facebook said, "Their is nothing greater than spending time with grandchildren"!  She was absolutely correct.

Our backyard for the next month and half - the Air Force Academy just outside Colorado Springs!  We come back here often because it is a beautiful wooded RV park with many walking trails and is centrally located to the doctors, the kids, and the very necessary shopping malls .

Kasey is getting so independent.  Here he is peeling an orange - do not attempt to help!  He did a great job and shared his orange with grandma and grandpa! 

How do I look Grandpa?   He really got into St. Patty's day.

Grandma was impressed with something!  Do you think that the hat fits?  Maybe she should give the hat back to Karsten.

Kasey coming down the slide - he really enjoys being outside and using the gym set.

Kasey just hanging around!  See Grandpa how strong I am - I can hold myself up!

Karsten is also getting independent - he is climbing the ladder all by himself and really doesn't want anyone to help him.

Down the slide comes --- Karsten!

Grandma we really like to sit on your lap and draw pictures for you.  Grandma, Grandma --- Wake up!!!!

We hope you enjoyed our attempt at humor and a slice of our everyday life here in Colorado.  We do enjoy being back here with the beautify of the mountains, the woods with its critters, and of course Kris, David, Amy and the Super K's nearby.  We will try to keep our friends and family up to date on our backyard musing but since we are "home" our posts might be spaced a little further apart.  If you are on Facebook, George will let you know when we post again.  Oh yes!  George has another "computer hobby" to keep him up late at night!!  He is on Facebook (a lot) and if you are reading this blog please "friend" him  - he needs to stay busy.  Take care and enjoy your backyard, Spring has sprung earlier go out and have a fun !!!

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