Friday, February 3, 2012

A Perfect Sunset in Southern Florida

We drove down to Port Charlotte to visit with our friends, Doug and April Allmond.  If you are looking for good friends and great hosts look no further ...we have not seen them since May but it was like we have been together all year.  For those of you who do not remember our friends, we met them when we all camp hosted at Blue Mesa in the Colorado Rockies three years ago and have been friends ever since.  Doug and April's winter home is in Port Charlotte and they invited us down to share a few days.  We only spent a couple days but we enjoyed the company of ourr good friends and filled our days talking and walking on the piers and beaches and boating down the Peace River to a beautiful bird rookery.  The nights were taken up with catching up and of course solving the worlds problems over a few libations.

Doug and April on a beautiful beach near Port Charlotte

That is the Gulf of Mexico behind Doug and April, the water was a beautiful light green, there was a light breeze, it was a little overcast; but best of all we were with friends.   Doug asked, "I wonder what the rich people doing today".   Our answer, "They can not be enjoying life as much as we are today". 

Perfect weather for a day on the Peace River

Our hair was blowing in the wind as Doug powered up the boat.  The water was like glass, the weather was a balmy 79 degrees and the sun peaked out of the clouds just long enough to keep us warm and provided us with a wonderful day on Doug and April's boat. Doug is a master sailor (among other things) and taught us how to read the navigational signs and correctly move around river and open water. 

A Friend joined us on our cruise up the river!  Made our day!!!

We had 5 dolphins playing with us for about 10 minutes.  They would swim along side the boat, swim under the boat and jump up on the other side, surf in our wake and come up along side to say hi --another first for us! 

Roseate Spoonbill, Brown Pelican and Black Vultures at the Rookery! 

The roseate spoonbill (the pink bird in the middle of the picture above) was the first time Doug and April has seen one at the rookery (you can click on the picture to enlarge and really see the birds).   Of course the duckbill showed up just to make our visit extra special.   It was amazing how all the birds got along so well.  The rookery was 23 miles up the Peace River and the views all along the river and canals were just breath taking. 

Doug can really Grill! 

The first night Doug grilled chicken patties for us and it was seared steaks the second night.  Of course, April did all the side dishes so we ate like royalty! 

April and Pat relaxing while Doug does the hard work of cooking!  Is that wine in your glasses? 

Beautiful sunset on the Peace River!

Our visit with Doug and April was way too short and we hope to make it down to their backyard again before returning to Colorado.  It seems no matter where we go or when we visit with our friends and family, one thing always happens -- we are re energized.    We believe the sunset above is very symbolist of a our life.  We know that not everyday will end with a perfect sunset but we will seek that "perfect sunset" and cherish the memories of days spent with you, our friends and family.  Thanks Doug and April for the memories, we had another perfect sunset in your backyard!!!

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