Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Beach, The Manatees, Good Times!!

We are having a great time in the Sunshine State.  Pat's brother Chas and sister-in-law Sharon invited us to join them at the beach.  We drove out to the National Seashore Recreation Area just outside of Titusville for a day of fun in the sun.  A perfect day with temps in the 80s.  We packed a lunch and joined Chas and Sharon, Bob and Donna for a day of watching the surf, strolling down the beach and just relaxing.  It could not have been any better if we had spent a million dollars!

Pat and George enjoying a Feburary day at the Beach

Why is it that only Bob seems to be working?

Chas and Sharon know how to enjoy the beach!

Sharon, Pat and Donna will be getting wet sitting that close to the waves!  Just after this picture was taken Donna was drenched with a big wave, however, the other girls just received a splash.

A perfect picture for a perfect day!

The Manatees at our RV park are amazing. 

They were over 36 manatees in the bay today.  They are so gentle it is hard to believe that they are so big.  Many of the manatees were over 15 feet long and are several feet around.  They seem to like people and come right up to the docks to get petted and drink a little water (it is illegal to give the manatees water but there are always people around that ignore the signs - we just took pictures so we think we are OK and are not going to jail).

A grandpa opened at water hose for his granddaughter so we thought we would document his illegal activites for the record -- it is a shame we did not get his picture or name to turn over to the authorities.

Sharon tried to pet the manatees but her arms were too short so she could not be accused of harrassing the manatees.

If you enlarge this picture and if you look in the middle of this picture you will see a very large alligator on the bank.  He was small compared to one we saw just a few hours later.  We also need to add that Donna caused a gator to be shot last night.  She walked within a few feet of a 9 1/2 foot gator and the authorities seemed to think that the gator was getting too close to people.  The gator was in our campground so I also think he was getting too close but I also think they were here first.

We went over to Orlando a for a couple days to visit with George's brother, Dick and sister-in-law, Karen.  We had a great time visiting, playing golf and driving to Plant City for strawberries.  They were really really good strawberries.  In fact we are taking Bob and Donna back to Plant City to get some more strawberries - they are that good!

Karen, Pat and Dick at a diner for lunch.

With all the activity of visiting, beach combing, manatee viewing, golfing, etc, there has to be time to relax.  Bob and Donna's dog, Riley and Pat rest after another long day.  Tomorrow we will fill up the day driving to Tampa and McDill AFB on the west coast, eating and buying strawberries in Plant City, stopping by Dick and Karens condo (need to deliver some strawberries) and come back in time to watch a missle launching at Kennedy Air Force Station.  Are we packing 10 pounds of strawberries into a 5 pound bag???

Pat with Bob and Donna's dog- Riley relaxing after a few hard days of visiting, playing golf, beach combing, manatee viewing, etc.

 We are following some of you on Facebook now that George was sucked into that by his niece, Kendra!!! (Just kidding Kendra!)  If you are also on Facebook;  George has decided to use Facebook to let "his friends" know when we write a new blog entry (again thanks for your help Kendra).  Until we post again please know that we think of our friends and family often and hope each of you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...It is nice to know that I can still be a bad influence! I love the new picture of you all!
