Thursday, October 21, 2010

Watching Kasey!

We got an early start on our babysitting when Amy's sister had her baby early.  Amy took Karsten north to North Dakota to see the new baby and her sister.  We thought you would be amused with some of the Kasey antics.  These pics are a day in the life of Kasey Cannode.

Traveling with Kasey

Yea! I'm with Grandma and Grandpa

I can feed myself

On a walk with Grandma

I love my tunnel

It is more fun on its side!

Who is that?

We are having a ball watching this young guy grow into a toddler and will be even happier when this little brother joins the fun.

Karsten pondering his future!

This is the picture we will soon see when we get to watch both boys.

For the next two months we will be watching the boys five days a week and we hope you enjoy their lives through this blog!  They really are the lights of our lives, just wish we had their energy.  Stay tuned for life with the double K's!

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