Monday, November 1, 2010

Karsten and Kasey - The Incredible K's

Kasey is starting early with his football career (looks like he doesn't need that sock much longer)

Karsten is starting to learning how to ham it up for the camera (wonder who he gets that from - Mom??)

We have started our babysitting stint with Kasey and Karsten.  We have only been doing it for two weeks but what fun it has been for us...those two will keep you  busy and you will get tired but ..... WOW!  They are changing everyday and if we could not do this for Kris and Amy we would have missed the double K's doing so many firsts.  Kasey is exploring his world and everyday is a new adventure for him and us!  Feeding Kasey is going to be a challenge for Kris and Amy...he eats like a horse (and he deposits just like a horse also).  Karsten is developing his personality and everyday he is getting stronger and changing his looks and what he longer can you expect him to sleep and eat all day, he demands attention and rewards you with smiles and giggles.  He is also getting ready to turn over so we nned to keep a little more than one eye on him the next couple of weeks.  Here are a few pics of the boys!

Kasey loves to swing!

A little horse for halloween!

Grandma holding Tigger and watching the horse!

We only watch the boys Monday through Friday afternoon so we "rest" on the weekends down at the Air Force Academy.  We also get to visit with David and Nikki,

Walking with Nikki, Pat , David and their babies!

Ty dresses up as a K-9 for halloween, Miley was not as cooperative!

Life just does not get any better for a grandfather and grandmother than watching their two babies growing up and seeing the daily changes in their lives.  We love our life and are so happy to be able to help the kids out while still getting to do the things we want to do while we are still young!  Ok maybe we are not so young anymore but the double K's will make you wish you were still young!

Have a great day and get out and enjoy your life and stop a smell the flowers in you backyard!

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