Thursday, August 26, 2010

Karsten George Cannode's Birthday!!!!

A very tired and loving Amy and a sleepy Karsten

He is here!! Karsten George Cannode was born early on August 25, 2010 at 5:41 AM.  His stats are 21" long, 7 lbs. 3 oz.  Amy and Karsten are in great shape (although very tired),  He has a full head of dark brown hair (see pic below) and a very soft cry for now.  He has very long fingers and by the size of his feet - well you know what they say about big feet!  His big brother, Kasey, Grandma Mattson and Grandpa and Grandma Cannode joined Kris and Amy at the hospital for Karsten's birth day. 

Look everyone I have more hair than my big brother!

Presenting Family Cannode -  Kris, Amy, Kasey (big brother and big smile) and Karsten (the little one under Amy's hand is Karsten)

  Long night Kris?  We think Dad is a little tired too!!

Aunt Nikki (who took off work early) and Uncle David couldn't wait to get their hands on their newest nephew.  They are very proud of Kasey and now Karsten!   In a light hearted moment, David told Amy (when everyone was cooing over Karsten), " Amy you now know how the FedEx guy feels!!! --- Everyone looks forward to the FedEx guy delivering a long awaited package but as soon as he delivers the package, he is no longer important!"

David with young Karsten

Nikki and Karsten

Uncle David and Aunt Nikki with Karsten 
Doesn't David look just a little scared? 

Grandpa and his new grandson!

We hope you enjoyed today's blog - dedicated to our newest grandson.  He and his brother are very special.  George's dad's favorite saying about babies holds so true again,  "God doesn't make any Junk!  Kasey and Karsten are our Gems and we hope you join us in wishing them a very good and successful life!  If you would like to see more of Karsten and get Dad and Mom's perspective go to their can reach it by following the link to the Life and Times of the Cannode's in the upper right hand corner of our blog under blogs we follow!

Thanks for sharing another treasured day in our backyard!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Grandpa and Grandma.
    Congratulations on two beautiful little boys. I can tell that you're just beaming with pride! I'm so glad that you posted all of the pictures. It's good to be able to see everyone. Miss you all terribly but feel closer when I can see you on here. Take care. Kisses to those sweet babies. Love and hugs from SC,
