Monday, July 26, 2010

45th Class of '65 High School Reunion and More!!

We have been playing a lot of golf since leaving the Rease family reunion.  If I can brag on Pat's golf game just a little...she has been doing great!  She hit a 150 yard shot into the cup for an eagle, she has hit two chip ins from about 20 yards off the green for birdies on the same 18 hole game, and her drives are always straight and very long!  I think I will start caddying for her on the tour as soon as she gets better at putting - "she hates to putt"!  I guess that is why she is starting to hit them in from off the green.  We have had the pleasure of playing several courses in Ohio and enjoyed playing with George's brothers, old high school friends, and extended family members and even just the two of us!  The weather has cooperated with us here in Ohio, although we do get to the courses very early and beat the heat of the day.
Pat teeing off  Kenton Veterans Memorial Golf Course

Pat and George arriving at the Reunion and Dance

We attended George's 45th high school reunion and renewed friendships with many of his old classmates.  Since we were in town early, George had a chance to visit with many of his high school friends before the reunion and was invited to attend one of the last planning meetings.  You can not image all the hard work and planning that goes into putting on his high school reunion.  They had a dinner on the Thursday, a pig roast on Friday, a golf outing, the  reunion and dance on Saturday and a breakfast on Sunday! 

Pat and several classmates at Sunday Breakfast

The  organizers have been working for months putting this all together and about 140 of his classmates, spouses, former teachers, and friends of the class attended from as far away as Austria, and of course many states.  George said it was one of the best reunions he has attended and his class really knows how to put on a show.  We can't think of any high school reunion that goes all out to welcome their old classmates back and celebrate friendships like his Class of '65.  They said they don't turn back the clock - they rewind the clock!  His class also started a new tradition and voted to have a scholarship fund set up from donations from his class and classmates - they are really some special people.  George's high school classmates epitomize the hard working and generous people of this country, they know how to have fun, enjoy life and give back to their community - we are proud to be a part of this rich tradition!   

George's classmates enjoying the evening!  The young lady at the table is his cousin, Peggy!

Even one of the bartenders got into the spirit of the evening.  He was "conned" into performing a tribal dance for the classmates

Classmates waiting for the next dance!

Pat and Jan Sorgen enjoying a drink!

We say goodbye to the 45th Class of 1965 Reunion!

We don't know how many of you attend your high school reunions.   Maybe you don't for one reason or another, but we have found that reunions are a way for us to reconnect, to reach back and discover new things about old friends, to learn from the past, and to remember the good things about growing up!  We want to thank the organizers of the Kenton High School Class of 65 reunion for making this another memorable backyard adventure for us - one that we will cherish for a long time!

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