Saturday, May 14, 2016

Seven Countries in 13 Days

We left Ireland and headed toward our date with the ferry in Dover for our cross channel voyage to pick up another car and start the second half of our adventure here in Europe.  We stopped in Swansea and Bristol to see friends before staying overnight in Dover and catching the ferry on May 1st.  Catching the ferry started a five country trip in one day as we left England, got our car in France, drove through Belgium and Luxembourg to arrive in Germany for a night of rest.  We stayed at Spangdalem AB for two nights while we got our bearings, mailed some packages and made plans for our adventure through Europe.  We wanted to visit our old haunts in Ramstein AB and visit with friends of Tom and Maryann's so we drove down to Ramstein and spent another two nights seeing all the changes to the base in the last thirty years, seeing our old apartment in Machenbach outside the base, George visited the fire station where he was the Fire Chief in 1986, and trying to find other landmarks of a by gone era.  It was time to start our adventure so we changed our plans and drove to Prague instead of Berlin first.  What a beautiful city with its castle, 19 bridges, glorious architecture and friendly people.  Leaving Prague, we drove into Slovakia, staying in a quaint little bed and breakfast, on our way to Budapest.  As we were driving to Budapest, we remembered the English pub owner who told us of Lake Balaton and it's beautiful surrounding area.  Change of plans...headed south to the lake.  It was a great change of plans, the Lake Balaton area is simply the gem of Hungary.  We are staying in a hotel overlooking the beautiful and very large lake.  We decided to stay a few days before heading up to Budapest.  Our future travels will take us to Budapest, and on to the Auswitz concentration camp, Kraków, Warsaw, Berlin and eventually to Normandy for the June 6th celebrations.  Our plans remain fluid and can change but Normandy is why we started this adventure so all other plans are written in sand and as you may have noticed change as we go down the road.


We stopped in Bristol to see Alastair and Louise.  Tom and George are jealous of Alastair's 1930 Austin.  Yes, George doesn't know enough to put shoes on when going outside!

The White Cliffs of Dover as we depart Englan on the ferry.

This is the apartment house we lived in during our last assignment in Germany.  It was brand new back in 1983, it seems like just a couple days ago but 30 years passes quickly.

The Czech Republic...we couldn't travel to Communist countries back in the 80s, not only has the map of Europe changed but so has the politics of Europe.

The Prague castle with Tom, Maryann, and Pat.

A little boat trip o the Vitava river in Prague...seems not everyone you ask can take a good picture....Maryann, Pat, George and just a little bit of Tom's hat and arm!

The architecture in the Czech Republic and old Europe is amazing...every city we visit in every country has their own unique style and history depicted through it's buildings.

Entering Hungary...although that is not hyow I spell Hungary!

The scenery never gets old as we make our way around Europe.  This picture is out of our hotel room balcony in the Balaton region of Hungary.  That is Lake Balaton in the background.

Another beautiful day on Lake Balaton taken from the Abbey overlooking the lake.

Another view from a hilltop in Tihany, Hungary 

While we miss our families in Colorado and can't wait to be back, it is these travels, seeing the backyards of the world that we enjoy.  It is even better when we can share these adventures with good friends and make new memories that will last us all a lifetime.  Thank you all who read this blog for coming along on our travels and hope you enjoy the sights and adventures we try to capture in our blog.  


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