Wednesday, March 16, 2016

On the Road Again

Our winter volunteering at Chatfield State Park is over and we enjoyed working and meeting new friends at the park.  We kept busy trimming trees, painting, cleaning up the aftermath of the summer floods, installing new fire pits and hundreds of small jobs.  Of course the real reason we volunteer at the park is so we can see our family on a continual basis throughout the winter.  We celebrated Thanksgiving at Steamboat ski area with Kris, Amy and the super K's, Christmas with David and April and Holly, Kasey's birthday with the family and was there for April and David's new baby boy, born on March 4th.  Lucas Henry came into the world at 8# 1oz and was 21 inches long.  It was a nice cap for a wonderful time from late October to March 14th when we fired up the Motorhome and headed east.    One other milestone we should mention is that George is done with his maintenence treatments, after 5 years the Doctor said it was enough and he would do annual Pet Scans to follow George for the next few years.
Our next adventure will be with our close friends, Tom and Maryann Graue, who we mentioned many times over the years in our blogs.  We visited with them in October and sat around talking about what we missed when we were in Germany together.  One thing lead to another and we both failed to go to Normandy and decided that we should go in 2016 together.  So in December we drove back down to Tucson to plan our trip.  After a hours of talking we decided that we should also visit Great Britian and Ireland, a few more discussions and it was decided that we should also go to Berlin and Warsaw.....well to make this short...we are going to Europe for 3 months and see those things we missed when we were stationed in Germany.   We will fly out on British Air on March 23rd out of Dulles International outside of Washington DC.  We hope Europe can handle the four of us, we have a few planned stops but for the most part we will drive around England, Scotland, Northren Ireland, Ireland, return to England and take the ferry to France to start our continent trip through the Benalux, Germany, Poland, the Czeck republic, back into Germany and up to Normandy for the June 6th celebrations before crossing back to England for a couple of weeks and catching our flight back to Washington DC. On June 15th.
We will be posting pictures and sites on the blog so if interested in our next backyard adventure stay tuned.  Of course the downside of this adventure is that we will miss our family, our grandkids (shelfish parents won't let us take them with us) and our friends in Colorado.  But this maybe our last great backyard adventure, at least for awhile since we now have 4 grandchildren.  All of you grandparents know the draw of the grandkids on us old people and now with 2 under 2 years old and two starting school and into everything might be time to think about staying a little closer to our family.   But that is a post for another time...wish us luck and follow our adventure on the blog!

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