Saturday, February 21, 2015

Catch Up Again!

The last time we posted our blog we said we would do better...we didn't!   We were told today that we were woefully behind and we should post a blog soon since not everyone is on Facebook and they would like to see what we are up to as we travel around this great country.  But in our defense...Ok we don't have a defense! 
We last posted about three months ago and shortly thereafter our life was changed with the addition of a tiny  4# 14 oz baby girl who showed up a month early, David and April's beautiful baby wrapped herself around our hearts and we have not been the same since.   We have been  truly blessed with the Super Ks, Kasey and Karsten and we have shared our friends' grandsons and granddaughters over the years but now we have Holly Marie to spoil (and we will April and David)!  We could end this blog with just pictures of Holly but since we have been so lazy about posting, we will continue to catch you up on out trails and tribulation.  After we came back from Arizona for Holly's birth we spent Thanksgiving with Kris, Amy and the Super Ks at their house, we celebrated Kasey's 5th birthday and gathered as a family to celebrate Christmas before heading east and south in search of warm weather.  We saw spent a few weeks in Ohio with family and than headed south to visit with Pat's sister's family in Tennessee before driving to Florida.  We drove to the Florida panhandle to reunite with Pat Henry, a friend from Pat's early days in the Air Force, and with our friend from our days in Germany, Ann O Connor.  Did we mention that we were looking for warmer weather.... long story was warmer in Colorado than in Florida.  We joined Dick and Karen, George's brother and sister in law and Pat's brother and sister in law, Chas and Sharon in central Florida.  The weather was not like New England but it was in the 60s and rained more than we wanted.  We also drove down to Key West with Chas and Sharon for a few days (still warmer in Colorado).  We were also fortunate to visit our friends, Doug and April Almond in Port Charlotte.  But the biggest news from our time in Florida was we (George) blew the engine in our Jeep and now we have a new Ford Edge to pull behind the motorhome.  In George's defense. the Jeep was an 04 with 275000 plus miles so it might have been time.  On to the pictures... we know that is what you all really want to see!

Presenting our granddaughter... the very perfect ....Holly Marie Cannode

You think David is on Cloud 9?

April and Holly... two beautiful young ladies!

The crazy Cannode's...
featuring the upside down Super K's, the adults making weird faces and
 Holly just being beautiful!

Did we mention that the Buckeyes are National Champions?  Might have forgot to tell Adam and Tami (Alabama), Kendra (Auburn), and Ann O Connor (Florida State)... btw Adam did you say that tOSU would never beat Oregon?  OH...IO!!!!!

Our friend Ann O Connor with George wearing his CSU sweatshirt (didn't want to rub it in that FSU lost to Oregon) -- Go Rams!

Karen, Pat, Minnie, Dick and Steve sitting around the pool while their friends in Ohio are enjoying sub zero weather! 

Sharon, Chas and Pat (I told you to smile) at the Navy Gateway Hotel in Key West

Sunset at Key West -- they really do have beautiful sunsets!

Pat (George was sitting in the space between April and Pat), April and Doug at Pounce de Leon park in Port Charlotte

The Cousins
Visiting Pat's Aunt Marie and her two daughters, Lynn and Kay with Mildred (next to Pat)

Pat and Aunt Betty

Aunt Ruby chatting with Pat

Cousin Melanie with two of her grandsons

Charleston AFB ...our new ride is in front of the motorhome
We know we skipped some of our adventures and did not include the hundred of pictures we had of family and friends but we finally got off our behinds and posted the highlights of our last three months.  We will be heading back to Colorado for George's maintenance treatments in March, to see Holly, Kasey, Karsten and of course Kris, Amy, David and April...hope the weather is warmer.  Just so our friends in upstate New York and in Ohio know we are not complaining about our weather since you have had a winter for the decades.  You should all wear T shirts that states... "I survived the winter of 2015", if you ever get to shovel out and get to a store.  In Colorado we will get our share of snow but will be warmed by being with family. 

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