Friday, June 27, 2014

New York - New York,

We took a side trip to New York, it has been about 30 years since we have visited the Big Apple.  One of the first things that we noticed this time was ... were are old.  They say New York never sleeps, we know why --- it is very noisy, it is very busy, you can't drive in Manhattan, and there is so much scaffolding and building going on that if they don't work 24/7 nothing will get built or remodeled.   The city can't be graded on a one day visit...there is too much to see and enjoy but we were only taking a side trip so one day is what we decided on for the visit to America's largest city.  Our real purpose of going back to NYC was to view the 9/11 memorial and pay tribute to those who lost their lives that terrible day.  To really enjoy the sites, sounds and life of NYC it would take more than a cursory visit.    We also decided that the best way to get to NYC from New Jersey would be by water (seems we did that for Boston also), driving was out of the question; we could have taken the train for about a third of the cost but the train would not have allowed us to view the cityscape and enjoy the beautiful weather. 
Leaving New Jersey on our ferry to the Big Apple, best decision of the day!  What a beautify day for a day trip into the City.

We went under the Verzzarro Narrows bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the world, which  spans the channel into New York harbor. 

Lady Liberty greeted us as we approach New York City just like she has done since she arrived in 1886, as a gift from France. 

Lower Manhattan skyline, probably the most recognized skyline in the world.  Walking through lower Manhattan is like walking down the canyons of the Rocky Mountains, except the canyon walls go straight up and are concrete.  The roads are clogged with delivery trucks, cabs, tour buses, a few hardy souls who have risked driving in this madhouse.

Times Square and it is not really busy at noon...we think all of New York eats between 10 and 2 because every restaurant we went into was crowded and there were people that were eating while  standing up since all the tables were full up and some even stepped outside of the restaurants to eat their meals...never seen that before!!!

Mid town fire station... they lost so much when the towers came down on 9/11.  As a former firefighter, I  grieve for the those who answered their final alarm.

Just a typical street scene -- The never ending hustle and bustle, noise, and energy make Manhattan the center of the New York and by some standards the center of the world. 

Empire State building is only the second tallest building in NYC now that Freedom Tower is topped off.
Freedom tower - any closer and you can not get a picture of the entire building.  We are a couple blocks away but if you stand at the 9/11 memorial and look up you can not see the top of the building.   The tower  appears to get smaller like the head of a needle -- Awesome!

9/11 memorial - one of the two water falls that were the twin towers footprints - they are still building at the site and only freedom tower and tower 4 are completed.  The museum is open and free but you need to have reservations well in advance to get into the museum -- hopefully when you come to NYC the newness will wear off and you will be able to secure ticket to see the museum.

Wall street is a very unremarkable 8 block long street (and dirty) and the New York Stock Exchange was really small on the outside and no tours since 9/11 - kind of disappointing!  The nicest building on Wall street is the Federal building where George Washington was sworn in as our country's first President. 

Leaving New York and the lower Manhattan skyline

Since we were close we thought a side trip to Atlantic City would be in order.  George's Mom and Dad took a trip to Atlantic City about 50 years ago and raved about the boardwalk.  We thought with the addition of gambling and the glitz of big casinos that it would be awesome!  Not so much... it does not compare to Las Vegas but does have its upside.  The beaches and boardwalk (which were there before the casinos are worth the trip if you are in the area, but the casinos are no match for their counterparts in Nevada.

A selfie...George needs a little practice!

The famous boardwalk with one of the old hotels in the background (they have a lot more character than the newer ones like the Trump Towers).

The dunes just off the boardwalk
We left the New Jersey, New York area to rendezvous with our friends, Doug and April in Pennsylvania.  They met us in a beautiful campground near Gettysburg.  We will spend the weekend with them relaxing, catching up and making new memories.  Again we are so blessed to have friends that will travel to other states just to spend a few days with us.  We want all our friends to have a wonderful summer, we will continue our family history next week and stop in to see our friends Tom and Maryann in Karthaus, Pa...we will keep you posted on our travels to the backyards of America.

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