Friday, May 9, 2014

On the Road Again with the Super Ks!!!

We are traveling again, yes it was a little longer stay in Colorado than we expected but in our defense, all of our plans start with flexibility.  We planned on leaving the day after Christmas but found out that Pat needed knee surgery.  She was operated on Jan 1st with rehab into February, George's maintenance treatments started in March so...we spent a little more time in Colorado than planned but it worked out for the best - we spent more time with David and April, Kris and Amy and of course the Super Ks.  We also caught up with Pat's friend, Joan Smith who has moved to Colorado Springs and our friends, Bob and Donna's daughter, Maria and her family.  All in all a very successful winter!
We are now in Tennessee, with the Super Ks visiting with Pat's sister, Linda and preparing for the 1st ever reunion with her family.  But the trip east was a fun filled adventure with Kasey and Karsten.  We were "allowed" to take the boys with us on our trip and it has been a wonderful trip, if not exhausting!  Wish we had the energy of a 3 and 4 year is non stop until you drop but what a great way to get exhausted  (every grandparent knows exactly what I am talking about)!!!
If you are keeping up, our travel plans for the next couple of months are Tennessee until after the Lawrence reunion, Ohio to see family and friends over Memorial Day, Cape Cod and Nantucket with our friends Tom and Maryann, on to Boston for a week or two and up to Connecticut for some genealogy work.  After that our plans are a little mushy.  We will keep try to update our blog a little more often and keep our friends and family up to date on our backyard adventures as we get through the summer. 
Grandma and the Super Ks before the start of the great adventure

Kasey wanted to drive the motorhome

Of course anything Kasey does ... Karten wants to do also!

Karsten wanted to stop and get his picture taken with the 100s of windmills along I-70 in Kansas

IPADS make a great way to pass the time as we drove east to Tennessee.

The Super Ks at the Arch in St Louis

Cousins meet for the first time, Connor and the Super Ks take a break with popsicles.

The rope swing always attracts little guys... Karsten loves to swing
Kasey...just because he is so darn good looking!

Again whatever Kasey does Karsten wants to do also and this picture is included because...he is so darn good looking!
We are enjoying our time with the Super Ks but in a week Kris and Amy, along with David and April will fly in for the reunion.  It will be great to have the cousins, aunts and uncles getting together for the first time in a very long time.  Family time is special, with the very youngest and us old folks getting together for a few days it will certainly be a very special time.  After the reunion, David and April will fly back to Denver (somebody has to work) while we take the Super Ks and their Mom and Dad with us to Ohio for a visit with George's family.   Our backyard adventures will continue and we will keep you posted on our travels --- Have a great Summer!

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