Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Creek at Hard Labor

We arrived at The Creek at Hard Labor State Park Dec 31st and have spent the last two months as volunteer Golf Hosts working and playing at this beautiful golf course nestled in the woods of north central Georgia, about 50 miles from downtown Atlanta and 100 miles from Augusta, Georgia just off  I-20.  When we volunteered to drive 1400 miles to play golf we had no idea what we would be doing other than helping out and playing golf.  It has been quite an experience and another adventure to add to our ever expanding adventures of traveling this great land.  We "work" about 5 minutes in the morning positioning golf carts for guests and washing them down and returning them to the cart barn when the golfers completed their rounds.  Of course those of you who know us, also know that we had to stay busy so in addition to playing golf whenever we wanted to venture out on this demanding but beautiful golf course we found other ways to keep busy.  We did everything from raking sand traps to raking pine needles, from filling divots on the course to filling sand containers on the golf carts, we also helped out by power washing the clubhouse, cleaned the cart barn,  built a sandbox, and a host of other minor tasks.  However, our most enjoyable memory will be the people we met at The Creek, everyone we met made us feel like family.  Sally, one of the nicest and hardest working volunteers we met, shared her muscadine jelly, gave us great advice where to eat and shared her knowledge of the local area. Pat found out if you sit in a rocker on the clubhouse porch for a few  minutes someone will sit down beside you and start a conversation - kind of made us feel like we have known them most of our life.  If you ever get down to Georgia and you have some time; stop in at The Creek --- it is worth a side trip and you will be greeted in the tradition of real southern hospitality.
The Creek at Hard Labor

Pat "working" ??? Notice that it is not always warm in Georgia.

Chuck and Pat -  Chuck was our answer guy.  He was the first person in the clubhouse in the morning and became our sounding board whenever we had questions. 

Mark hard at work, the plastic wall in the background was because the clubhouse was undergoing renovation as we prepared to leave.  We don't think we ever met a person like Mark, he would always tell us how much he appreciated what we were doing and thank us for every minor task we did around the course and clubhouse. 

The par 4 - 14 hole - the signature hole at The Creek. All 18 holes were beautiful and challenging but this was especially picturesque.
We are on our back to Colorado but our two months at The Creek will be one of our most memorable backyard adventures.  As we continue our travels around this beautiful country, we will return to The Creek, if only to play a round of golf with some of the great people we met during our stay. As we have found throughout our travels it is the people you meet that you remember the most and it really is what make this country great.

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