Saturday, May 19, 2012


The chemo is done for another 6 months and our stay in Colorado has come to a close.   After spending as much time as possible with the family we had to depart and start our trip to San Diego and our long awaited court date.  Some of you may know that about three and half years ago we were defrauded out of a lot of money with David's business.  We took the crooks to court and won our lawsuit over three years ago.  But.......that is not the end of the story.  It seems the judge could not decided on the amount of grief the bastards caused us nor could she decide on the appropriate amount of damages.  She wanted to hear from George personally.  Hence, we are on are way to to meet our court date on May 25th.  Being the opprotunist that we are, we want to make the best out of any situation.  We had an option to either go through Las Vegas, NV or Las Vegas, New Mexico.  We chose Las Vegas, New Mexico (look it up there really is a Las Vegas, New Mexico!  So we planned stops in Albuquerque and Tucson to see our long time friends.

It is always wonderful us to visit with Mike and Rita (Albuquerque) and Tom and Maryann (Tucson) for any occasion but since we had this opprotunity, we wanted to stop for a few days and just relax with our long time friends.  Visiting with them is like time has stood still and we always take up where we left off the last time we passed their way.  Good friends like these four just don't fall off trees, they are like the strong branches of a mighty oak that bind our lives together and make us all a part of each other's lives.   Friends and family are God's gift to each of us and no matter how rich or poor you are, friends and family are the treasures of your life.

Our star witness for the court date in San Diego, giving us a some clothes to take with us.  David agreed to fly out and tell the judge the whole story about the crooks who defrauded us over three years ago.

Mike, Rita, and Pat waiting for a table at El Pinto.  If you get to Albuquerque this is a must place to eat!

George, Rita and Pat enjoying time together, it just doesn't get better than visiting friends!

Maryann and Pat relaxing or are they solving the world's problems?

Tom grilling steaks -- they really took care of us!   By the way Tom....the steaks were great!

Tom washing our car with George and Pat giving him some advice.

Pat playing golf in Tucson - Good form Pat!

We hope tht all goes well in San Diego and we will put that chapter of our lives behind us and get to move on.  We also want to thank David, Kris and Amy for the phone calls and Skyping us on a daily basis --- that makes this trip a little easier.  Knowing that family loves you and goes out of their way to make you feel better each day is a blessing we do not take lightly.  If you have sons and daughters we urge you to take a minute and let them know that you love and appreicate them.  .As we visit or revisit the backyards of America we hope you stay tuned to our little piece of the world and that you too are living life to the fullest ---- there is just no other way to enjoy your life1

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