Friday, May 25, 2012

San Diego with David

It is seldom that we get to travel and have our son David join us, but this trip is the exception.  We came to San Diego to talk to a judge about awarding us financial restitution after being defraud by a couple of crooks.  As I posted before, we won the case over 4 years ago but have never had damages awarded.  That will be heard tomorrow morning at 1000 o'clock and David will be briefing the judge and stating our case for a monetary award.  But that is not what this blog is about.  This blog is to thank David for coming out here and helping us through this ordeal.  We all got to enjoy a few days together before we attend to the more serious part of the trip tomorrow and we have had a wonderful time exploring the backyards of San Diego.  David really does not like any part of California but we think he has enjoyed the past few days.  He has had us take two pictures of him every time we go that demonstrates how unhappy he is here (staged for his friends in Denver)  and a real one with him enjoying himself.  If you look at his FB pictures you would think that he is very unhappy but we posted a few pictures below of all of us enjoying the sights of San Diego and the surrounding area.

David and Pat on the San Diego harbor. 

The Pacific coast and shoreline are beautiful, even on an overcast day.  The locals call this Gray May and it is followed by June Gloom!  You might want to think about that when you visit San Diego in the future.

David on the USS Midway - one of the highlights of our backyard visit downtown and a great tribute to America's greatest generation.

David and George enjoying beach across the road from our suite on Coronado Island.  Do you notice George has a warm jacket on and David is in a tee shirt?  It is a cool 62 degrees! 

One of the views from our balcony at the Naval Amphibious Base on Coronado
 Island across the bay from San Diego

 David smiling, beautiful flowers and the Pacific Ocean...does it get any better than this?

The San Diego-Coronado Bridge our gateway to San Diego.

We have really enjoyed the past few days with David in San Diego.  We hope tomorrow will bring great news but whatever the Judge decides; at least we can close this chapter of our lives and move on.  Having David fly out here has been great for us and we hope for him also.  Tomorrow night we will celebrate (no matter what the Judge decides) with David and our friends Tom and Maryann Graue, who will arrive tomorrow afternoon from Tucson.  Saturday, David flys back to Denver and we will saddle up and head east also. 

We have changed our travel plans from going up the coast to Seattle and the northwest and decided to return to Colorado for a few days before it is on to Ohio for the summer.  For our friends in the northwest, you get a reprieve this year but to our friends and family in Ohio... we are coming back!  I may have mentioned this before but, "you see what happens when you treat visitors really good --- you can't get rid of them"!
Our summer plans include helping Pat's brother, Clyde and his son Tony build a habitat house for Tony and his wife , checking in on Pat's brother, Chaz, who had major surgery, and attending the Cannode Christmas in July celebration along with playing a few rounds of golf.  We also plan a side trip to visit with Tom and Maryann (they should get tired of seeing us this year) who will be in Pennsylvania for the summer visiting with Maryann's family   It is great to have the flexibility to change our plans and it is wonderful to be able to see our families and friends in Ohio.   The northwest will be there for a while and we still plan on spending time exploring it's backyards.  . 

 Life is great, if you don't take it too seriously!!! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


The chemo is done for another 6 months and our stay in Colorado has come to a close.   After spending as much time as possible with the family we had to depart and start our trip to San Diego and our long awaited court date.  Some of you may know that about three and half years ago we were defrauded out of a lot of money with David's business.  We took the crooks to court and won our lawsuit over three years ago.  But.......that is not the end of the story.  It seems the judge could not decided on the amount of grief the bastards caused us nor could she decide on the appropriate amount of damages.  She wanted to hear from George personally.  Hence, we are on are way to to meet our court date on May 25th.  Being the opprotunist that we are, we want to make the best out of any situation.  We had an option to either go through Las Vegas, NV or Las Vegas, New Mexico.  We chose Las Vegas, New Mexico (look it up there really is a Las Vegas, New Mexico!  So we planned stops in Albuquerque and Tucson to see our long time friends.

It is always wonderful us to visit with Mike and Rita (Albuquerque) and Tom and Maryann (Tucson) for any occasion but since we had this opprotunity, we wanted to stop for a few days and just relax with our long time friends.  Visiting with them is like time has stood still and we always take up where we left off the last time we passed their way.  Good friends like these four just don't fall off trees, they are like the strong branches of a mighty oak that bind our lives together and make us all a part of each other's lives.   Friends and family are God's gift to each of us and no matter how rich or poor you are, friends and family are the treasures of your life.

Our star witness for the court date in San Diego, giving us a some clothes to take with us.  David agreed to fly out and tell the judge the whole story about the crooks who defrauded us over three years ago.

Mike, Rita, and Pat waiting for a table at El Pinto.  If you get to Albuquerque this is a must place to eat!

George, Rita and Pat enjoying time together, it just doesn't get better than visiting friends!

Maryann and Pat relaxing or are they solving the world's problems?

Tom grilling steaks -- they really took care of us!   By the way Tom....the steaks were great!

Tom washing our car with George and Pat giving him some advice.

Pat playing golf in Tucson - Good form Pat!

We hope tht all goes well in San Diego and we will put that chapter of our lives behind us and get to move on.  We also want to thank David, Kris and Amy for the phone calls and Skyping us on a daily basis --- that makes this trip a little easier.  Knowing that family loves you and goes out of their way to make you feel better each day is a blessing we do not take lightly.  If you have sons and daughters we urge you to take a minute and let them know that you love and appreicate them.  .As we visit or revisit the backyards of America we hope you stay tuned to our little piece of the world and that you too are living life to the fullest ---- there is just no other way to enjoy your life1

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mom, Dad,Grandma and Grandpa

A little different blog today.  We have spent the last several weeks helping our family.  David's move to Denver metro, Kris and Amy needed a shed built and the grand kids needed someone to watch over them and love them to pieces.  That is where we come in -- since we travel a lot, when we are with the family we really like to spend time with them and help them in any way we can, even if it is just sitting around talking about the world's problems and drinking a beer.

After the chemo treatments we were put to work helping David, cleaning his old apartment, packing his things to move, getting rid of some things,  and finally the move.  With David working 10 hour days, and going to school three days a week it was our pleasure to help him out.  We believe David is headed in the right direction  with his life and was so glad we were there for him.  He has picked himself up by his shoestrings after the lowest point in his life, with his wife leaving him.  He has made some really good friends, studying hard and getting great grades in some pretty hard computer courses, working to move up in the company and all the while finding time to be with family and friends; he is forging ahead. The future looks pretty bright and he is hard at work to make it brighter.  Oh, did I mention that we are pretty proud of him.  He has now moved into a one bedroom apartment that is perfect for his life style.  He is within a two minute walk to the light rail (easy access to the downtown nightlife and to his work), a couple blocks from college, a couple blocks to where his friends live, and across the street from some really nice restaurants.  He has a good reliable car and fixed his scooter.  Life is getting better!!!

Kris and Amy celebrated their 10th anniversary with a trip to San Francisco and the wine regions of northern California.  We were able to help them by watching the boys for a few days while they were off to drink a little wine and fall in love all over again.  While they were gone we had to play with the  grand boys all day and cuddle with them at night, such hard work.  Of course, Kris and Amy came back and we lost that job.  If there was a consolation, Amy said it took a week to get the boys back into their routine.  Ha! Ha!  We asked Kris if there was anything else we could do to help out before we started down the road again.  Be very careful of what you ask for, you might get it.    A new shed, work on the car and truck, get rid of some of our stuff and some of their stuff stored in their basement, have a garage sale and just hang around and enjoy their company. 

We want to post a few pictures of our last few weeks just so you know how hard it is to do the things we a friend of ours once said, "What are the rich people doing now...I'll bet they are not having half the fun we are right now".  We keep saying to him, "We are the rich people, we have wonderful friends and family and we love them and our life".

Relaxing in Kris and Amy's driveway

Karsten do you like Cool Whip?

Amy, the stroller is for the boys!!!!

Grandpa's helper, Kasey hammering the stake!

Grandma - It is time for a snack!

Everyone has to help dig our the slope for the shed!

Kris and Dad working together to reinforce the space for the shed


Kris and Pat working on the shed

The shed is done, all the workers are smiling - Amy's taking the pic

Grandpa, Dad , Kasey and Karsten eating watermelon!

Grandpa and Karsten learning how to hit T-Ball

Grandma the better teacher - Karsten hitting the ball

Kasey found a bug -- He really likes to figure things out!

We are traveling without our friends - Bob and Donna!  They have decided to hang it up, this time for real.  They are going to live in Hawaii and are now making plans to
move to the islands.  We wish them all the best --Aloha friends!!!!

We have so many pictures of our last few weeks but we neglected to get pictures of David's new pad and our time with him -- we will make up for that in our next blog!  We get to see him one more time before we post our next blog and we will include some pictures just for our friends and family who have not seen him in a few years.  Sorry David you must let us take a few pictures!

As we get ready to drive to California, we thought we would give you a hint of our upcoming trip.  We will stop in Albuquerque to visit with our friends, Mike and Rita!  Hope they put up with us for a few days.  We plan on staying in Tucson with our friends, Tom and Maryann for a few days before we drive over to San Diego.  In San Diego, David will fly in for a few days to visit with us, why you ask???  We have a court date  to settle a three year old lawsuit we brought against some crooks who defrauded us!   Wish us luck with the Judge!