Monday, September 12, 2011

Family and Friends in Kenton, Ohio

We made it back to Ohio.  We stopped off at  Chas and Sharon's house for a few days, a few beers and some needed mechanical repairs.   We also got to visited with Kelsey and Adien.  It was really nice to spend some time to just relax with family.  Chas also helped us out again with his expertise and knowledge.  We had a engine problem in Northern Arizonia and had a mechanic look at it ....he charged us $120.00 and could not find anything wrong with the motorhome, Chas looked at it for less than 5 minutes and told us that we only needed to replace the battery and the motorhome was fixed!  He amazes us everytime he helps us out.  Thank you Chaz!!!!  Again !!!!

We left Chas and Sharon when they returned to work and we headed north to George's sister, Patsy's house.  We arrived in rain and the cruddy weather stayed with us for a few days.  The weather cleared up on just in time to have a family dinner.  Patsy cooked up a Cannode favorite meal, Beef Pot pie.  This is basically beef and rolled dough but it taste great. 

Relaxing and catching up after a great meal -- Thanks Patsy

We came back to celebrate with both family and friends.  Tonight, we got together with old friends,
George has known some of these friends for over 50 years.  We all got together at a resturant and had a great time.  We enjoyed catching up and even learning new things that we did not know about a few of them.  For instance, our friend Pam said "with a straight face", she did not drink very much even though she had a Margarita in her hand at the time, so for the rest of the night we all picked on her with every story being injected with the phrase "and of course Pam was drinking"?   So Pam tell us, does your grandchildren know about your drinking problem?

A rose between two thorns --  Bobbi, Pat and George

Jim and Jayma enjoying the night

Was it really that funny Jim and Pam?

A true rose between two old guys --- Mike, Pat and George

Steve and Bobbi seemed to be enjoying the gathering

See Pam, I told you that we would post this picture of your molar problem!

We had so much fun with our friends and we are not done yet.  We will have a chance to play some golf with a few of them tomorrow.  It does not matter who is low, it just matters that we will be together and share time together.  It is hard to believe that it has been over 45 years since we were all together, it seems that we picked up just as if we never left.

We will be leaving the Kenton area on Sept 19th to drive over to Pat's brother's house for more family time.  While we are in the Mercer area we will also be visiting more firends so stay tuned for another update on our celebrations with family and friends.

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