Friday, July 29, 2011

On the Road Again!!!!

Before we left Colorado we had to see the grand boys again.  You have to admit they are really cute.  Our blog would not be very interesting if there was not a few pictures of these two guys.  Enjoy the views.

Karsten knows how to make Mom smile!! 

Kasey has that laugh down pat!!!

Grandma and Kasey -- It does not get any better than this!

We only had time for George to do his last two day chemo treatments, make a doctor's appointment, watch the boys for the weekend and to get ready to head out!  We think we spent 10 days back in Colorado before we started down the road again.  Our plans changed just a little bit.  We wanted to drive down to Albuquerque to see our friends, Mike and Rita before heading west to the Grand Canyon.  We decided to stay in Albuquerque until the end of the month.  Besides visiting with Mike and Rita we also fixed the CB in the motor home.  It has been giving George fits for over a month.  He has tried everything to fix it but after we arrived in Albuquerque he gave up and took the motor home into a CB shop.  He found out he was doing everything right but the new antenna he bought was defective and our CB was only putting out about 1 KW of power.  After installing a new antenna and upgrading our CB to include the 10 weather channels we are in business again.  Oh yea, George can now do what he does best when driving down the road --- talk!

Mike decided we needed to see the burn area around northern New Mexico that made national news so he enlisted Rita to drive us on a 100 mile circle to Los Almos national lab and back.  What a shame to see thousands of acres of burnt trees and shrubs.  Knowing that it will all come back better than ever does not help when you view the devastation.  Sorry we forgot the camera on the trip.

Today we relaxed and decided to go bowling.  Can you believe Bob , Donna, Pat and George all  bowled three games and it cost us a grand total of $3.00.  We all took lessons from Pat, who won all three games;  yeah we know,  what else is new!    We will be leaving Albuquerque August 1st for the Grand Canyon.  After the Grand Canyon we will visit the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde National Monument and drive up to see our friend Doug at Blue Mesa (April will be in Baltimore getting her grandma fix -see it is not just us that need grandbaby fixes).After a few days relaxing with Doug we will drive back to Denver for that all important Pet Scan!


It has become more apparent that our Congress and our President do not care about the people of these United States.  I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat; Conservative or Liberal, Tea Party or Independent; the Congress and our President will only do what they want and their only objective is getting re elected and staying employed without really having to work.  I vote for voting them all out....everyone up for re election is not worth your vote, please join me in casting your vote for whoever runs against these incumbents.  It is really too bad that those senators and representatives elected in the last election are not forced out .... Remember this next year... do not buy into the 100's of  millions of dollars of political advertising, the half truths, the promises, the hypes...remember what is happening now and the real truth is they only do what is best for them --- not you!!!!  OK, I am off my soap box but it really is a sad state of affairs when we no longer have leaders only politicians!!!!!

The highlight of our day was when Kris and Amy skyped us with the "boys".  Can't believe Karsten got another haircut!!  But you can't get any cuter than they already are - we really appreciate their laughter and antics when they skype us -  it always lifts our spirits.

If you are interested in our mid level travel plans here is the "plan".  Please remember that plans are subject to change and our plans depend on the results of George's PET scan at the end of August.  If all goes well and he is in remission, which we fully believe will be the results, we are set to head east to Ohio in September for three/four weeks and drive back to Colorado for a day or two for normal doctor appointments.  October will find us in Las Vegas (visiting our money that we seemed to have left in several casinos).  We will also be visiting our friends,  Steve and Margie in Vegas. We will come back to Colorado for the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas).  After Christmas our current plans are to drive to Florida for the cold months of Jan thru March.  Again, those plans are not locked in concrete and it depends on what our doctors tell us at the end of August,  please keep George in your prayers for a few more weeks.  In addition to the pictures of our upcoming backyard travels, we will be announcing the results of George's Pet Scan (target date for the annoucement is NLT August 31st).  You may also see some very cute pictures of two very handsome boys, if you like that sort of thing and........... we do!

Take extra good care of yourselves and if you get a chance in the next few weeks ----  tell your friends and family how much they mean to you - you may regret it in the future if you don't tell them now! 

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