Monday, June 6, 2011

Chief Crazy Horse

Chief Crazy Horse Upclose and Personal

We got the experience of a life time when we signed up for a volksmarch to the top of the mountain craving of Chief Crazy Horse.  This maybe the last time that people will be able to hike up to the monument and actually walk out on the arm.  Apparently, this annual volksmarch has been going on for 26 years and now that the mountain carvers will be working on the Chief's hand and fingers no one will be allowed to walk on the arm.  We really enjoyed the 10 K walk but as we started out the trail went down and we knew that we had to go up in elevation at least 500 feet.  The trail weaved through the surrounding forest and came out on the construction road just below the monument.  Than it was about a mile and half to the top --- at about a 9% grade!  You definitely want to be in shape to do this walk.  I have add some pictures of the walk and the monument for your review and enjoyment.

It is a long way up to the top -- hope we make it!!!!

Pat on the Trail - she is not exhausted yet!

We started out at the back of the pack but soon was up close to the front of the pack but..... we found out that the most challenging part of the 10K walk was at the end!  The last mile and half was oh my God exhausting.

OK you reached the road and made it half way up the road (only about a mile left to the monument)- how do you feel?  Short answer -- Do I get to rest or should I just lay down and die?

It is wonderful feeling once you reach the top and you look out onto the world.  The top of Chief Crazy Horse gives you unsurpassed views of the Black Hills.

The Black Hills of South Dakota from on top of Chief Crazy Horse's monument. 

By the way, that little built up area in the photo is where we started our volksmarch and meandered toward the right through the trees and came back around to left out of the picture.

The day before we took an 1880 train from the town of Keystone (at the base of Mt. Rushmore) to Hill City and back.  It was a fun and relaxing way to spend our anniversary.
The 1880 train from Keystone to Hill City

We didn't know that the train was going to breakdown on the last hill into Hill City but as the conductor said, "Folks we won't charge you extra for stopping along the way".  Every day is an adventure and our backyard experiences just keep on adding special memories to our lives.

Please take care of yourselves and stay tuned for our next blog from Yellowstone NP,  no matter what the weather (we are expecting rain and cool temps) we know we will enjoy our next backyard adventure and hope you do also!

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