Sunday, May 1, 2011

Visiting Friends and Family

I have neglected to journal our visits and provide pics of our trip through the southwest and Albuquerque and Tucson.  Our hosts in Albuquerque were Mike and Rita Kavanaugh (only Mike the first time through) and Tom and Maryann Graue.  Although we have posted some of our pictures from our Tucson visit where we spent a couple weeks we have neglected are Albuquerque time and Easter.  Here are some pics of our visits with some very good friends and great hosts!

We were treated to a play at by Tom and Maryann's grand daughters, Molly and Sam!  They were simply great

Kelly, Carrie and their PA friend (sorry I forgot her name)

At our stop in Wilcox for RV repairs we discovered that Rex Allen (1950's TV cowboy fame) was born here and they are proud!

Pat, Donna and their puppy, Reilly

Mike and Rita

George and Mike working after Easter dinner, Oh what was Bob doing?

Rita, Mike, Donna, Bob and Pat with Reilly at Mike and
Rita's on Easter

After we returned to Colorado for George's third treatment sessions we also had to do some yard sale stuff to downside some of our stuff.  David and Nikki also decided to do a yard sale the same day so we shared and divided items to ensure both yard sales would be successful.  While Nikki did most of the work for their yard sale, we helped out with Kris and Amy's yard sale.

Pat has her hands full - of course she loves it!

What a good looking guy!

Karsten in his Johnny jump up!  Kris of course is relaxing!!!

Kasey checking out one of the garage sale items - he was such a big help and charmed all the shoppers into buying more!

We are still at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs with Bob and Donna.  We all will help their daughter and her family build a deck onto the back of their house this coming week. 
That should be a lot of fun!  We are sure pics will follow!  After the deck building party, we will host our good friends from West Virginia/Florida - Doug and April Allmond at the Air Force Academy.  If you remember the beginning of this blog last year, it was Doug who took the picture at the top of the blog and also came up with the expression "our backyard" when referring to travelling the USA.  They will stop on their way to camp hosting at Gunnison, CO.  Yes, that is where we met them two years ago.  They are going back to enjoy another summer in God's backyard!  After Doug and April depart, we will drive up to the Denver area where we will go to our monthly doctor's appointments and of course the fourth chemo sessions.  June's plans are not solid but we will keep you posted as we continue our travels through the backyards of America. 

As we travel and visit friends and family we are continuously struck by how everyone we visit go out of their way to treat us like royalty!  We pinch ourselves to ensure we are not dreaming and that we can live this dream!   We used to say "watch out when you see a motor home coming down your street, it might be us".  Now we are changing that to say "we hope we visit your backyard and renew our friendships".  Without friends and family (who are also our friends but somehow were lucky enough to actually be related) it would not be possible to have so much fun traveling the backyards of this great country.  Thank you all!!!!

Get out and enjoy life - you only get one chance and tomorrow is not guaranteed!

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