Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sun and the southwest!

We headed for the southwest and Tucson right on schedule after the chemo session on March 30.  What we did not realize was that it would take five days to get to Tucson.  We had motor home mechanical troubles from just south of Colorado Springs all the way to Tucson.  We did make it to Albuquerque after 11 hours of driving.  First Bob and Donna had motor home problems, ie., $2000.00 repair bill but we were able to get back on the road except their winds came up down in southern New Mexico and Arizona.  We elected to stay an extra day with our friend, Mike Kavanaugh.  Once on the road to Tucson, it was our turn to have motor home problems.  Our motor home limped into Tucson and with the advice of Pat's brother we determined that we needed to change our transmission filter.  We are now all hoping that was the problem and we changed the filter and also the fuel filter just in case.  We will know on Wednesday as we head back to Colorado for more chemo and a few days of work helping Bob and Donna's daughter's family build a deck. 
But we are now in warm and sunny Tucson.  It has been in the 80s and low 90s since we have been here and that is the reason to explore more backyards....we get to go where we want and when we want (for the most part).  Although George has been sick for several days he is now on the mend and ready for the golf course.  Today we took a trip north of Tucson to the Biosphere2.  Wow!  If you get to this area it is well worth the side trip to this wonder of science. 

Biosphere 2 from the north

Inside the Biosphere 2 with Bob, Donna and Pat

George - You think he is listening to the Guide?

Tomorrow we will be having breakfast with Tom and Maryann Graue, our very close and long time  friends.  Tom is serving breakfast to order!  But he is also in for a to follow in our next blog.  Our plans are to enjoy the weather and hopefully golf before we leave on Wednesday.  The trip was short but we really have enjoyed Tom and Maryann and they have went out of their way to make us like family.  BTW it started with them bringing us dinner the night we arrived and continued with soup for poor George.  They also took him to the ER to make sure he was receiving the best of care and if you know Maryann (she is also a nurse) you know he did get the best of care from all levels of staff in the ER.  
We still have a few days left here and plan to make the most of it so there will be at least one more post just to make those of you who are in the last gasps of winter a little jealous!  
Life is a just takes one step to start your journey! 

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