Sunday, March 20, 2011


Our time in Colorado is rapidly drawing to a close and we are getting anxious to get on the road and see more of this country.  We now have some limitations with George's treatments being scheduled every 28 days but we think we have figured a way to see more backyards.  We have synchronized our medical appointments with our friends and travel companions, Bob and Donna to maximize our trips. Our road trips may be a little shorter and a little closer to Colorado but we will be doing what we enjoy - seeing this wonderful country and visiting with friends.  So as we mentioned before, we will be driving to Tucson on April 1st, two days after George's second set of treatments and return to Colorado about three weeks later for his third set of treatments (half way through the two day treatments).  The downsize of traveling is that we have two little boys that wrapped their little fingers around our hearts and it will be very hard to leave them, even for a few weeks.  I guess we need to trust their parents and Aunt and Uncle to take care of them in our absence but it will be hard.  We have included a few pictures for your enjoyment!

Kasey helps Grandpa sweep the "dirt" around the motorhome with the motorhome's washing brush. 

Grandma giving driving instructions to the boys, looks like Karsten is listening and Kasey is ready to go!

Karsten really enjoys his Johnny Jump Up!

Kasey going down the big boy's slide - Grandpa let go of me!

We attended Karsten's baptism today!  David and Nikki drove up to Denver to share with our youngest grandson this major milestone in his young life.  I am sure Kris and Amy will be posting this on their blog so be sure to click on their blog for story and more pics.

Karsten with David and Nikki before being "wet down"!

Kasey enjoying a little freedom before the church services!  He has that "I got away from Grandma" look in his eyes.

Good Looking family
Nikki with Karsten, Amy, Kris and David holding Kasey
If only we could only get everyone to look at the camera, this could have been a great picture.
           Hello everyone--  it is picture taking time!!!!

 We have had such a wonderful time visiting with our kids and grand kids.  Lucky for us we will be back (a little more regularly than what we thought a year ago) and will get to enjoy them all again.  We hope this blog finds you in good health and spirits.  Take care of yourselves and get out and enjoy life!

We ran across this quote from Elisabeth Foley, it is the way we feel about you - our friends and family.
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."

We hope that we have grown separately but not apart from all of you!

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