Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

It has been a while since we posted, sorry but we have been a little busy.  After Christmas and Kasey's birthday, we had to do the little things around the motor home to get it ready to really live in it full time.  We have been neglecting our little home since we started watching the grand kids.  Also, we had to make our doctor's appointments which is a lost day for every appointment.  I wonder if those doctors understand how inconvenient their schedules are for two retirees that have so much to do!  After Kris, Amy, Kasey, and Karsten, took off for North Dakota, we were invited to spend Christmas day with David and Nikki along with our friends Bob and Donna.  We had a great time and Nikki, with a little help from David and George, put on a great spread.  Also, David now knows how to make a great lasagna.   Everything was really good, but Nikki's peanut butter pie was just outstanding!

David and Nikki opening a few presents on Christmas day

Bob and Donna enjoying a relaxing moment while Nikki slaves away at the stove

David putting together his GDO, yes David,  it is one of those presents that you must assemble!

As you know we are supposed to be in Florida as of Jan 1.   We got a little sidelined with those pesky doctors. It seems that George might have a little medical problem that needs to be taken care of before we head out.  So we have a few medical tests to get accomplished first. We think we have the best team of doctors right here in Colorado and would do not want someone that we do not know to check him out.  In our next blog we will let everyone know how the tests turn out but do not worry, we will keep you posted.

We hope everyone made it through the holidays unscathed and you were able to enjoy family and friends.  We were so fortunate to celebrate with the whole family before Christmas and to enjoy Kasey's birthday together.  Celebrating with our friends and fellow travelers, Bob and Donna at David and Nikki 's on Christmas day was special.  Kris and Amy skyped us a couple of times from the frozen north (it was actually colder there than  in Colorado this past week and it was damn cold here, i.e., -9 degrees at night).  We got to see Karsten eating and Kasey walking a little more each time we saw him.  We were allowed to dog sit for the New Year's Eve weekend.  Mylee and Ty kept us company from last year to this year!  It was nice having them around to play with and of course sleep with.  Bob and Donna joined us for our traditional pork and sauerkraut New Year's day meal.  Do you have a good luck New Year's day meal?

We now have a to do list for us (read that George) to accomplish before we travel to Florida and the warm weather (hopefully) so we still won't have any time to just relax but guess is still fun!!!  I mentioned to another friend, Bobbi Wiley, in an email before New Year's eve that we should all have as much fun as we can without getting arrested.  We also hope you have decided to enjoy 2011 to the fullest (just don't get arrested).  Remember, life is short - get out and enjoy it!! 

Until we post again.....Happy New Year!!!!

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