Friday, August 27, 2010

Karsten, Kasey,and more!

Grandpa and Grandma with Karsten

As you all know by now (or at least you should) we have a new grandson - "Karsten"  although he is new to the world he has been loved by all of us since we found out Amy was carrying him way back in March.  He is a beautiful baby (yes, we are prejudice) but he seems so small compared to his big brother.  Kasey has touched our hearts everyday of his life but we didn't realize how big he has gotten until we saw him side by side with little Karsten.  We are truly blessed to have two wonderful grandchildren!

Kris with his boys!

Our next trip will back to Ohio and it will be a very hard trip because of Kasey and Karsten but the good thing is that they will be joining us on Oct 2 for a week in Ohio.  We will be the advanced party for their trip and we need to ensure the babies have everything they need for their visit.  We will leave Colorado the first week in September and connect with Clyde and Rose and Dick and Karen preparing for Kasey and Karsten's visit.   After the kids fly back to Colorado we will pack up our motor home and join them so we can babysit the boys until Christmas, while Kris and Amy work.  Don't know how two old people are going to stay up with a couple of babies but it sure will be fun trying!  We also will be hooking up with Bob and Donna sometime in October - seems like an eternity since we all were together!  We have missed them on our late spring and summer travels. 

We have been pretty busy helping David build a 20x16 foot storage shed.  David and Nikki will be posting pics on their blog in a few days but you will not be able to tell how much work went into that shed.  David said it is the only structure that he owns or has ever work on that is square.  The floor, walls and roof are all square (we know amazing huh).  We are putting on finishing touches this weekend so watch for their blog (you can use the link on the top right to access their blog - Mr. and Mrs. Cannode).

George, Kris and Amy, and David took in a Bronco's preseason game.  Although, George and David sat in Kris and Amy's season ticket seats while they sat in Club seats courtesy of the owner of the company where Amy works.  But a good time was had by all - btw- do not look for the Broncos to do well this season and please don't bet on them 

George, David, and Kris in front of the Broncos at Mile Hi
(Amy's taking the pic)

As we wrap up our visit back to Colorado for Karsen's birth we would like to thank our sons and daughter-in laws for their hospitality.  They have been exceptionally nice to us on this visit because we didn't bring our home on wheels with us this time.  We hope we were not too much trouble and promise to bring our home with us in the future.  We have enjoyed their backyards as much as any we found on our travels - probably more because we love all six of them and if it was not for Skype we could not stand to be away from them for very long.

Our message for this blog is: enjoy you children and grandchildren - remember they may be deciding which nursing home you are put into - shady pines or autumn leaf!  Not that you will know much by that time!

Take care and enjoy all your backyards 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Karsten George Cannode's Birthday!!!!

A very tired and loving Amy and a sleepy Karsten

He is here!! Karsten George Cannode was born early on August 25, 2010 at 5:41 AM.  His stats are 21" long, 7 lbs. 3 oz.  Amy and Karsten are in great shape (although very tired),  He has a full head of dark brown hair (see pic below) and a very soft cry for now.  He has very long fingers and by the size of his feet - well you know what they say about big feet!  His big brother, Kasey, Grandma Mattson and Grandpa and Grandma Cannode joined Kris and Amy at the hospital for Karsten's birth day. 

Look everyone I have more hair than my big brother!

Presenting Family Cannode -  Kris, Amy, Kasey (big brother and big smile) and Karsten (the little one under Amy's hand is Karsten)

  Long night Kris?  We think Dad is a little tired too!!

Aunt Nikki (who took off work early) and Uncle David couldn't wait to get their hands on their newest nephew.  They are very proud of Kasey and now Karsten!   In a light hearted moment, David told Amy (when everyone was cooing over Karsten), " Amy you now know how the FedEx guy feels!!! --- Everyone looks forward to the FedEx guy delivering a long awaited package but as soon as he delivers the package, he is no longer important!"

David with young Karsten

Nikki and Karsten

Uncle David and Aunt Nikki with Karsten 
Doesn't David look just a little scared? 

Grandpa and his new grandson!

We hope you enjoyed today's blog - dedicated to our newest grandson.  He and his brother are very special.  George's dad's favorite saying about babies holds so true again,  "God doesn't make any Junk!  Kasey and Karsten are our Gems and we hope you join us in wishing them a very good and successful life!  If you would like to see more of Karsten and get Dad and Mom's perspective go to their can reach it by following the link to the Life and Times of the Cannode's in the upper right hand corner of our blog under blogs we follow!

Thanks for sharing another treasured day in our backyard!