Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Friends are like Family!

Pat and George in the Motor home

The big news from our genealogy adventure.  We had a breakthrough...we found two more generations of Cannodes, i.e., Knodes.  We again drove down to Annapolis to the Maryland State Archives and by the process of elimination, we discovered that our 5th great grandfather is Conrad Knode and his father is Johannes Heinrich Knode.  We are now back to 1720 and into Hesse, Germany!  We have decided that our next genealogy adventure will be to Europe!  Pat has the Lawrences back to Sir Robert Lawrence @1150 AD in England, but needs to have some real documentation other than the world wide web's documentation.  George needs to go to Germany (near Frankfurt area) to keep this thing going, so it might be worth a month or so in Europe next year.  Stay tuned for that adventure.

Pat and April at the Motor home

Doug and George relaxing

We have heard it said that good friends are like family.  If that is true, our family is getting bigger.  Doug and April has made our trip to Maryland so enjoyable.  The last couple of days have been like we never left them last year in the mountains of southern Colorado.  We have enjoyed sitting around and talking about our joint adventure last year and catching up with our activities and our families' activities since we departed Cureacanti National Recreation Area last September.  Doug and April are much like all of our friends - our time together is always too short and parting company needs to accompany plans to get together again!  This will not be our last trip to hook up with them, of course unlike our other friends we need to find them - it might be Florida, it might be West Virginia , it might be Maryland, or as April said maybe we will meet up on the road in our collective backyard!  One thing for sure we will stay in touch! Does it get any better than this!  As Doug said, "I wondered what the rich people are doing now", they sure can not be enjoying life anymore than us.

What is next for us?  For the first time in our two years on the road we are not sure.  The next week will find us on the road toward Augusta, Georgia but we "think" we will stop and visit some of the Georgia state parks that we might be camp hosting in next January or February but....we may also just stop and smell the roses as we meander down south!  Whatever we do we will keep you posted so you need to dial into this blog (well you don't NEED to) but if you want to see what we are up to - pull us up and see what our collective backyard looks like from our perspective.

We would again like to thank Doug, not only for our blog picture of the Gunnison River but also for giving us the idea and title of our blog!  Thanks Doug!! 

We again hope that you are enjoying life to the fullest and the next time you are in your backyard, invite your friends.  You will build more memories and over a beer the memories only get better!

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