Thursday, April 23, 2015

Leaving Colorado and Headed to the West Coast!

We have been in Colorado since March and now as May approaches we will leave our family and friends here and start our trip to the West Coast!  Words can not express how much we have enjoyed our family, it is so special as grandparents to see Holly grow and develop her own personality, seeing the Super Ks expand their world and grow into outstanding young boys.  We are so proud of all of them and their parents, who it appears have a pretty good handle on this parenting thing.  Of course we try to add our grandparent's worldly knowledge to help the parents but they must be hard of hearing because they think they know more about raising kids and follow their own mind and heart.  Go figure, they think they are the bosses!
After we arrived in Colorado, we settled into Chatfield State Park where we volunteered to get the park ready for the upcoming camping season.  George did his treatments in March and all is Ok for another six months.  We celebrated both Kris' 37th birthday and George's birthday with family.  We  
 were able to babysit Holly a couple of times and she is no longer a preemie and has grown into a beautiful baby girl with eyes that melt your heart.  The Super Ks are all boys, rough and tumble, sweet and cuddly, inquisitive, and into everything at once.  It seems they followed in their parents' footsteps because they have so many activities that they have not slowed down since we arrived back in Colorado.  The old saying ...."they stuff 10#s of flour in a 5# bag" describes the entire family now.
We have enjoyed our 2 months here from having the Super Ks overnight to cuddling with Holly, but we also met new friends at the State Park.  We will be coming back to Chatfield in late July or early August to volunteer with the new camp hosts and our staff friends.
One of the many hot air balloons that lift off at the balloon airfield on the other side of the lake, this one landed just south of our motorhome in the campground...short flight!

Kasey and Karsten easting Grandpa's molten cake on his birthday!  They think that is funny!

Holly was watching the kites at the kite feast!  I don't think she really liked the wind!

Mom I have a big plate and high chair, I am waiting for my real food!

Look grandma, we can climb trees and ride the branches like horses!

Of course Grandpa is her biggest fan...but she is so cute we are sure everyone is in her fanbase!

April and David, just in case you have not met Holly's mother and our newest daughter in law!

It is mutton busting time, the Super Ks rode the sheep like real cowboys at the Great Western complex during the All star Professional Bull Riding rodeo!
Kasey and Karsten are getting bigger and cuter!

Pat with our newest camp host, Mook!  No he is not a coyote, he is an American Indian! 
We could have posted a lot more pictures but we know you get tired of seeing pictures of our grandkids.  Of course we never get tired of taking and looking at their beautiful faces and remembering when we were with them and what we were doing with them.  If you are not a grandparent you might not appreciate the above statement but we guarantee once you have grandchildren you know what unconditional love is and the joy you get just watching them or seeing their pictures.   So parents....enjoy your children but remember to share them with your parents they are God's gift for us teaching you how to be responsible adults. 
Love you all and if you are on the west coast, be aware that we are headed you way and our GPS will find you!  Our plans are to drive through Albuquerque to Tucson.  After Tucson it is on to San Diego and up the coast to Seattle.  Side trips to friends are a must and the backyards of California, Oregon, and Washington state will be visited over the next three months.  We are looing forward to a great summer and hope you have one also!