Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas 2013 - January 2014

Christmas has come and gone, 2014 has arrived and we are still in Colorado.  The best laid plans of mice and men are subject to change and as any of you who have been following us for the last six years of our backyard adventures know that plans are subject to change.  Why did we elect to stay in Colorado for the winter rather than drive down to Florida for a change of scenery and warmer weather?  Two reasons - Pat had to have knee surgery and George will be evaluated for his swallowing problems.  We are fortunate enough to stay at Chatfield State Park while we attend to our doctors' appointments in January, February and March.  George is doing odd jobs around the park in exchange for staying past the 14 day limit and it keeps him out of Pat's hair while she recuperates from her surgery.  So let's catch up a little and let you all know that we are still alive and kicking and of course still enjoying life's adventures regardless of what our changing plans brings us.
That is George's attempt at a mustache and goatee, Pat sure puts up with a lot and still smiles.  By the way ... Karsten told Grandpa that he did not like it and Grandpa shaved it off that day! It was great to spend the holidays with the family, enjoying both the adults, the Super Ks and the grandpuppies.  Santa was definitely good to all the Cannodes.
David, April, Ty and Mylee ...April was David's close friend in high school and now they have rekindled their friendship.   David's annulment was finally finalized in December (he started that process back in March) and he is now rebuilding his life with the help of April.

Kris, Karsten, Kasey, and Amy...what a beautiful family picture.  Of course we are prejudice but aren't those boys just sooooo cute!

The basement renovation has started and the Super K's need to help grandpa get the measurements right.  With our change of plans, we hope to finish the renovations before we leave the area.  Kris and Amy have plans for a craft room, a bedroom, and a full bath.  With the Super Ks help it should turn out to be a nice addition to their home.

Kris and George installing one of two pocket doors, we will try to keep you updated as the work progresses.

Pat, the day after her knee surgery, just does not want to sit down and relax.

The two holes from the orthoscopic surgery!
We know that the Midwest and the East Coast is getting hammered with the snow and cold already this year but wanted to let you know that it is winter here also despite being 60 degrees yesterday
Our new plans (remember our plans are written in sand) are to stay in Colorado until our last doctor's appointment in February and take a couple weeks to venture south to Texas before coming back to Colorado in March for George's treatments.  We are still "planning" to drive east to Ohio and Tennessee in April to visit family and hopefully those plans will not change.  For now we want to wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2014....stay tuned for more of our backyard adventures this year!