Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We are Back in Colorado

We made it back to Colorado from our volunteer "work" at the Creek at Hard Labor and that is where the real work started... more about that below.  We left Georgia and made a quick stop in Nashville to visit Pat's sister, Linda and her family.  An intended overnight stay lasted a couple of nights because of the snowstorm in the Midwest.  We are fair weather golfers and travelers.  But we did get to visit with Linda's son Adam, and daughter Kendra, Rory and Archer one more time this year.  We also enjoyed  a couple of evenings with Linda's oldest daughter, Tami and her husband Tony and sons, Connor and baby Jake.  When we left Nashville, it was smooth sailing west.  We also were delighted to find gas prices steadily decreasing as we travelled west of the Mississippi.   With blue skies and dry roads we arrived in Colorado with snow on the ground.  We decided to "camp" at Buckley Air Force Base.  We had to work harder in the few hours it took to shovel the snow off our RV pad than we "worked" the entire time at our golf hosting tour in Georgia.  But we prevailed, the snow is melting and we are set up for at least a month in our new backyard.  The weather has been in the 50s and 60s since our arrival but we know it is still winter in the Rockies so we are preparing for cold weather.   Now we will go into fast forward mode with our calendar filling up fast.  George's maintenance treatments start on Monday, we will be watching the boys a couple times this week, going to their swimming lessons, catching up with David and the puppies, changing the oil and rotating the tires on the Jeep and doing minor maintenance on the  motor home, file our taxes, and all the other things we all have to do to on a daily basis just to survive.  See our life is not all is only fun most of the time. 
We did arrive in time to help Kris celebrate his 35th birthday and to play with Kasey and Karsten.
Kasey and Karsten trying out their trikes!

Kris has about a second before Kasey delivers that huge snowball to his backside!  The snowball fight was one sided - the boys having a great time throwing snow on the adults!

Just after this picture was taken, Kasey and Karsten destroyed this little snowman! 

Grandma's favorite time --- playtime in the bathtub

We liked the goatee on David, he said it only took 5 months to grow.  It is the Cannode curse or blessing - very little facial hair!

Kasey gets to blow out the candles on the "Coors beer" cake.  Notice only three candles, we didn't invite the fire department.

We heard the boys were in swimming lessons while we where in Georgia, but seeing them in the pool was priceless!
 After George's chemo treatments this month, our future plans are a little up in the air (we call that flexibility) but whatever we decide to do, we will keep you posted.  You can be assured of one thing...we are going to love what we are doing and we will have fun doing it!  Our motto is still "Everyone gets to do what they want to do".  Life is supposed to be lived and we intend to live every minute of every day and make it as exciting and fun as we can, for as long as we can.