Monday, December 17, 2012

Wrapping Up 2012

This  year is rapidly drawing to a close and it appears that we have been a little slow updating our blog.  Since we have been back in Colorado, our life has been a whirlwind of watching the grand boys, helping financing our doctor's latest toys, and visiting with family at every chance.  Not exactly exploring new backyards, more like enjoying the backyards of our family.  It has been really nice but as with all of our adventures we will be starting a new one the first of the year. 
We will be traveling to Georgia to become "golf hosts" at "The Creek at Hard Labor".   The course is located  half way between Atlanta and Augusta and boast the toughest opening hole in Georgia .  What does a golf host do?  The "work" will consist of being a Starter, a Marshall, inspecting the course and raking sand traps, and picking up golf balls on the driving range.  In exchange for all that "work" we will be provided a place to park our motor home and of course play golf when we are not "working".   There may be other perks but we will find that out when we arrive in January.  This is something we have never tried but it can't be too bad since we get free golf. 
We thought you might want to see a few pictures we have taken since our Balloon Fest trip in October. 

The "boys" watching the Broncos demolish the hated "Raiders".  Of course they have their box seats right in front of the TV so they can get all of the action.  We got to be with the boys when Kris and Amy went to the games...we had more fun because we got popcorn, great seats, and were with these two great fans during the games..
Who is that guy on Grandma's lap....oh it is Karsten in disguise!

Halloween is always fun, Kasey alias "Buzz Lighyear" and Karsten as our favorite Denver Bronco!  Is Grandma really a witch?  No - but the boys wanted her to wear the hat.
 December brings Kasey's birthday and Christmas celebrations.  This year we celebrated both a little early since Kris and Amy are taking the boys north to Fargo for Kasey's birthday and Christmas.  Yes, I know what you are thinking --- North Dakota in December???  But it appears Grandma and Grandpa Mattson need to have a little Kasey and Karsten time also (so I have been told).  We did offer to watch them while the old people went north but that didn't seem to get any consideration from Kris and Amy.

  Can you believe Kasey will be three in just a few days!  It won't be long before Kasey won't fit on Dad's lap!  But for now -- Dad and son smiling is Priceless!!

Being with family at this time of year, it just does not get much better for Mom, especially since she is surrounded by her guys!  They really make her look tiny!
Amy and David showing off their favorite NFL team apparel!
 Don't know how we got these Viking's and Bear's fans but they will be rooting for the Broncos come the playoffs -- seems their teams might not be playing in January!

All the presents were unwrapped and the boys are playing with their....wrapping paper!  Well, their toys will last longer that way.  What fun to watch.
Since Kris and Amy are heading north for the holidays, David said he would sacrifice and go to Las Vegas with us for Christmas.  David told us that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so we might not be able to post much from Sin City...we will see!  After we come back from Vegas, we will drive to Georgia.  Our stay at The Creek at Hard Labor will last until March when we will return to Colorado for another round of Chemo for George.  Our doctor told us today that he thinks we should continue the maintenance treatments for another couple of years.  It seems the "experts" think a continuation of the treatments will allow George to remain in remission longer and they will have a lot more information on this type of cancer in a couple more yearsto make decisions .  Since he is not having any side effects with the treatments he is a good candidate for continuing.  We will keep you posted on this latest development as time passes.
The events of the past week and past few months have caused many of us to  question the values and resolve of America, tested our faith, and made many of us wonder what is happening in America.  We don't know the answers but we are holding our friends and family closer to our hearts, we have faith in God, faith in this great country and we believe in our fellow Americans.  We will pray for those closest to these horrific events.   We also remember our military members, they are the real heroes of this country and deserve our thoughts and prayers throughout the year but espeically now.
 To all of our friends, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and 2013 brings you health and happiness.