Monday, February 28, 2011

Catching up with our Backyard!

Sorry for being gone for so long and not posting but hopefully we will get back in the swing of things and let you know what we are up to and give you a glimpse of our backyards.

The Wait is over and we are getting on with the treatments for George's little medical problem.  Yes, he does have Follicular Lymphoma, it is Stage 3 and Grade 3 but that is not all bad news.  George was approved for clinical trials that were very promising and utilized a drug called bendamustine and a protein call rituxmab in a combination (B-R) that had been used in East Germany for the last 30 years.  But at the last moment before the trials would have begun, our doctor had us come in for a consult and told us that we could do the trial or just do the protein and drug regime without the trial's formality and also George would not have to do a lot of baseline tests to get ready for the trials, like bilateral bone marrow biopsy, more PET and CT scans, numerous blood tests, a complete physical and a few other hoops...we opted out of the trial and will start the B-R regime on Tuesday, March 1st.  So how did that happen,  just recently this regime was approved for follicular lymphoma, intial treatments.  George will still do  2 day treatments each month for six months, and a follow-on of jsut rituxmab for 2 years with just one treatment every two months.  We are both very very optimistic but will keep you posted on this blog as he goes through his treatments.  If you would like any information on this treatment please just google "bendamustine plus rituxmab".  Bendamustine plus rituximab may offer a new standard of care for treatment of NHL and indolent lymphoma.

Now  back to the original purpose of this blog...what is going on in our backyard?  Well ,we will be in Colorado until our second treatment in April.  What is good about that is that we get to spend time with our kids and grandkids!  The weather had been pretty good so far this winter with the temps for most weeks above 40 degrees and many days in the mid 60s.  Yes, we did have a cold spell in early January with below zero temps but that was for 5 days only so we are not complaining.  Do you want to see pictures of Kasey and Karsten!  We have them since we also get to watch them every once in awhile; when we can convince Kris and Amy that we will not take off for parts unknown with the boys! 

Karsten was a very sick little boy earlier this month and we stayed with him during the day while the kids worked and they stayed all night in the hospital withh him while we stayed with Kasey.  He is doing fine now thank goodness.

Karsten still looks pretty good!

Grandma with mask, looking after Karsten!

Later we actually got to bring the boys to the motorhome and keep them a couple of days.  We know Kris and Amy were worried that we would leave the state with the grandbabies but they were brave and let us.  Actually, they came by and we think they were checking up on us !  The boys were great and we had a ball.  Here are a few pics - enjoy!

Breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa

 Karsten --What do you think?

I really do not like this hat but Grandpa said I had to wear it for this pic!

Ok we will sit together but not for long!

Grandma watch out Kasey is trying to escape out the window!

Could we use this for child abuse!!

They said they just came by to go to the CSU and Air Force basketball game --Yeah right!
We think they were checking up on us!

We also got to celebrate Nikki's birthday with one of her favorite resturants, PF Chang!  Happy Birthday Nikkit and just how old are you?-- Hint she was in high school when Kris and Amy graduated from college!!!  We all had a lot of fun.

David and Nikki looking good!

Sorry girls, we wanted a picture of Karsten sleeping!

Are those wine trees in front of the girls?  Three wine glasses at a time, hmmm!

Kasey likes to use crayons but where is the food!

David, I think those are for eating not bull fighting!!

We were a little long in the tooth with this blog but hopefully we caught up a little and you enjoyed the pics!  Please take care of yourselves, get out and enjoy this life, and by all means be happy!  It is great getting back to our backyard and to start living again without the worry about something we have so little control over. 

Our close friend Bobbi Wiley sent this to George in an email and we thought it applies to all of our very close and wonderful friends.....
"Close friends are for good times AND bad and all those in between, those layers make up the glue that holds us close and separates us from casual friends"

Here is to GLUE!!!!